Where do you stop?
In life we are all taught to do your best at everything. You bring your A game up until when? Do we ever know when to stop? Is it worth it? I'm not saying that trying your best at everything isn't a bad thing, however, we all know putting to much into something builds false hope on top of potential let down. Is it worth it to push yourself to that level to make others happy? Why cant we do our best for ourselves? Will this make us happier in life, knowing you are doing the best for yourself? Today this world is based on status and standing. Being the best is now a term that reflects "likes" on a photo or comments on a video of you doing something. Before all the social media platforms, doing your best was to gain a better job, or impressing your teacher. Doing your best was an art project you wanted your parents to hang in the living room. I feel a lot of people stopped doing there best because of the constant let down with the lack of social interaction it brought to your fake image in life. We all need to get back into doing whats best for yourself and not for others. In the end, all others are caring about is there own status. Do whats best for you and the impact it will make on your own life and your own end result. Cheers